

Dying man’s cries for help at Rikers Island went unheeded, fellow detainees say

Two people in the same unit recalled how jail guards failed to respond to Donny Ubiera’s fight for his life.



After PR stunts, damning reports and a new lawsuit, judge sets stage for potential federal takeover of Rikers next year

Federal judge Laura Taylor Swain is losing patience with the city Department of Correction, which has now come under fire from the court-appointed federal monitor, Legal Aid Society, federal prosecutors, city comptroller and Board of Correction.



More people have died in New York City jails than previously known

Since 2014, at least 120 people held in city jails have died while in custody or shortly after being released on medical grounds – but some of those deaths have gone unreported.



Commentary: Shedding light on NYC jail commissioner’s inaction shows what a different story he’s telling

Despite what Louis Molina has promised the Board of Correction, the oversight panel’s work continues to be stonewalled.



Commentary: How a progressive majority on the NYC Board of Correction had the upper hand over City Hall

Two new members of the panel Tuesday tipped the balance of power in favor of more progressive reforms for the first time in nine years.