Editor's Note


Editor’s Note: The view of New York City from Florida isn’t pretty

A conservative relative from the Sunshine State blamed her negative perceptions of crime and the migrant influx on messaging coming from New York’s leaders.

Editor's Note


Editor’s Note: Perception is NYC’s greatest challenge – and it’s Eric Adams’ too

The mayor, who said he knows New Yorkers aren’t happy after going through COVID-19 and the migrant influx, doubles down on promoting his agenda.



New York Thermal Networks Summit drives conversation on ‘revolutionary technology’

Attendees at the Albany event learned how homegrown clean heating and cooling will help the state meet its ambitious climate and clean energy transition goals.

Editor's Note


Editor’s Note: Happy dogs offer an alternative to troops in the subways

Canine companions, in increasing numbers, deliver a calming effect for many riding the rails.

Heard Around Town


New York City rent-stabilized apartment owners group launches podcast

The Community Housing Improvement Program’s executive director Jay Martin wants to chat about housing in the five boroughs.

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: If there’s one way to get straphangers angry, it’s a subway delay

A work stoppage after a grisly attack on a conductor made for a hellish morning commute that was totally unnecessary.

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: A subway train improvement creates a whole new breed of straphanger

Everyone going back-and-forth across the open gangways on the new R211T cars deserves the distinction of being called “Gangway Walkers.”

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: It’s housing, stupid

New rental vacancy numbers should spur political leaders to act fast to build more units.

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: I want to be an Age Disruptor and inspire others

Here’s how New York power players 50 and over are defying stereotypes, age discrimination and encouraging new generations.

Heard Around Town


3 NYC Council members who voted for veto override say cops still have too much paperwork

Erik Bottcher, Gale Brewer and Keith Powers warned against overburdening the NYPD once the How Many Stops Act is implemented during remarks at a Broadway Association legislative luncheon.



Editor’s Note: New York City journalists boldly take a stand and keep their seats

Reporters at the Daily News staged a one-day strike over cost-cutting, while other reporters at a City Hall press conference ignored an attempt to make them stand.

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: Hornell is no longer overlooked as America’s high-speed rail manufacturing home

The tiny town in the Southern Tier is on a comeback building next-generation Acela trains as well as other trains for transportation systems across the country.

Ask the Experts


How did New York City reverse its 2024 budget cuts?

City & State assembled a panel of experts to answer questions about the 2024 spending plan.

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: Latinos in New York’s government need to get loud about representing

The lack of attention over New York City Council Member Amanda Farías’ historic appointment as the first Latina majority leader shows why.

New York State


Eric Adams turns out for Jenifer Rajkumar’s fundraiser

Attendees supporting the Assembly member at Manhattan’s Hunt & Fish Club got exclusive access to New York City’s mayor.



Editor’s note: A safety concern on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge is allowed to continue

Vendors were kicked off the bridge because they blocked pedestrians, however, anyone exiting on Centre Street has to dodge bicyclists on a shared path called the “porkchop.”