New York City
NYC voters unimpressed by Eric Adams’ handling of crime: poll
The mayor’s approval rating on crime declined from 49% in February to 37% by the end of April.

Eric Adams’ job approval rating overall remains positive, but that it has dropped when it comes to his handling of crime and community policing. Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office
Mayor Eric Adams’ job approval rating is positive overall, but has declined regarding his handling of crime and community-police relations in recent months, according to a new poll. Meanwhile, crime remains the most important issue to New York voters.
Adams’ overall approval rating is down slightly from 46% in February to 43%, according to a Quinnipiac University poll of 1,249 New York City registered voters surveyed between April 28 and May 2. Among Republicans, his job approval rating stands at 30%, while 48% of Democrats and 45% of Independents approve of his performance during the first four months of his tenure.
The poll was conducted just after Adams released his $99.7 million budget proposal that includes an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit, a new behavioral health emergency response program, and additional funding for shelter beds that offer wrap-around services to homeless individuals. Voters were unimpressed. Just 34% said they approve of the spending plan, including 20% of Republicans, 40% of Democrats and 36% of Independents.
Adams’ approval rating on crime – the most urgent issue for 49% of poll respondents – plummeted from 49% in February to 37%. The poll wrapped a day before the New York City Police Department released new statistics on Tuesday that showed the overall number of the seven serious index crimes increased during the month of April, even as shootings and homicides declined by 29% and 38%, respectively. Voters are also less enthused about Adams’ approach to community-police relations, with 49% of respondents giving him a positive rating in the most recent survey, compared to 57% in February.
Crime on the subways is a key concern for voters. The poll found 86% said they want more cops patrolling the system, while 62% support the installation of subway metal detectors – something Adams has expressed some form of support for.
"Mayor Adams gets a positive score on his job performance, but it's tepid. The biggest weight on his numbers: crime. It's by far the most urgent issue and voters are holding him accountable," Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Mary Snow said in a press release.
Voters were generally positive about the city’s recovery from the pandemic, with 66% responding that they are either “confident” or “very confident” that the city’s economy will fully bounce back, while half of survey respondents said they think tourism will increase over the next year. However, voters are still concerned about COVID-19 spread. Nearly 70% said masks should be required on public transit, and 77% said they would wear one if they weren’t required.
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